Core functions
- LMF_STATUS generate_mips()
Generate coverage-weighted mip maps.
Generates coverage-weighted mip maps and outputs them as a list of float (0..1) arrays (excluding input image / mip 0)
The mips and masks memory allocated here needs to be freed after use (e.g. after composite_mips() and saving), see free_mips_memory().
- Template Parameters:
- Parameters:
ImageT* image_in_out
,:Input image of type uint8_t/uint16_t/float
const uint_fast16_t image_width
,:Input image width in pixels (must be power of 2)
const uint_fast16_t image_height
,:Input image height pixels (must be power of 2)
const uint_fast8_t channel_stride
,:Number of total channels in image data
const MaskT* image_mask
,:(optional) Coverage mask of type uint8_t/uint16_t/float. Pass nullptr to use last channel of input image instead.
float** mips_output
,:Array of pointers (float*) that is filled with pointers to the generated mip maps
uint8_t** masks_output
,:Array of pointers (uint8_t*) that is filled with pointers to the generated coverage masks
const float coverage_threshold = 0.999f
,:(optional) Threshold to use for binarizing the input mask. Defaults to 0.999f.
const bool convert_srgb = false
,:(optional) Convert sRGB to linear before scaling? Mips output will be linear. Necessary when scaling sRGB images, to prevent luminosity shifts. Use convert_to_type() to convert the mips back to sRGB if needed.
const bool is_normal_map = false
,:(optional) Perform processing for normal maps. Will re-normalize vectors to unit length at the moment, Slerp is planned.
const uint8_t channel_mask = 0
,:(optional) Bit mask of channels to process, 0 = all channels. You can use channel_mask_from_array() to generate a mask from an array of booleans.
const bool scale_alpha_unweighted = false
,:(optional) Scale the last channel without coverage weighting? i.e. regular box filtering
const uint_fast8_t max_threads = 0
:(optional) Number of threads to use. 0 = auto (half of available threads, which amounts to number of hardware cores for machines with SMT/HyperThreading)
- Returns:
LMF_STATUS enumerator, LMF_STATUS::SUCCESS / 1 on success
- LMF_STATUS composite_mips()
Composite mip levels to fill holes.
From smallest to largest, mip levels are consecutively scaled (nearest neighbor) and composited into each other.
- Parameters:
float** mips_in_out
,:Array of pointers to the mip maps (float, 0..1 range), compositing is done in-place
const uint8_t** masks_input
,:Array of pointers to the mip coverage masks (uint8_t, treated as binary 0/1). Used for compositing.
const uint_fast16_t image_width
,:Width of original image (i.e. double the width of the largest mip map)
const uint_fast16_t image_height
,:Height of original image (i.e. double the height of the largest mip map)
const uint_fast8_t channel_stride
,:Number of total channels in image data
const uint8_t channel_mask = 0
,:(optional) Bit mask of channels to process, 0 = all channels. You can use channel_mask_from_array() to generate a mask from an array of booleans.
const uint_fast8_t max_threads = 0
:(optional) Number of threads to use. 0 = auto (half of available threads, which amounts to number of hardware cores for machines with SMT/HyperThreading)
- Returns:
LMF_STATUS enumerator, LMF_STATUS::SUCCESS / 1 on success
- LMF_STATUS flood_image()
Mip-flood an image.
Generates a mip-flooded image by generating and compositing coverage-scaled mip maps, and then compositing the unmodified original image on top.
- Parameters:
ImageT* image_in_out
,:Input image of type uint8_t/uint16_t/float
const uint_fast16_t image_width
,:Input image width in pixels (must be power of 2)
const uint_fast16_t image_height
,:Input image height pixels (must be power of 2)
const uint_fast8_t channel_stride
,:Number of total channels in image data
const MaskT* image_mask = nullptr
,:(optional) Coverage mask of type uint8_t/uint16_t/float. Pass nullptr to use last channel of input image instead.
const float coverage_threshold = 0.999f
,:(optional) Threshold to use for binarizing the input mask. Defaults to 0.999f.
const bool convert_srgb = false
,:(optional) Convert sRGB to linear and back for correct scaling of sRGB textures?
const bool is_normal_map = false
,:(optional) Perform processing for normal maps. Will re-normalize vectors to unit length at the moment, Slerp is planned.
const uint8_t channel_mask = 0
,:(optional) Bit mask of channels to process, 0 = all channels. You can use channel_mask_from_array() to generate a mask from an array of booleans.
const bool scale_alpha_unweighted = false
,:(optional) Scale the last channel without coverage weighting? i.e. regular box filtering
const uint_fast8_t max_threads = 0
:(optional) Number of threads to use. 0 = auto (half of available threads, which amounts to number of hardware cores for machines with SMT/HyperThreading)
- Returns:
LMF_STATUS enumerator, LMF_STATUS::SUCCESS / 1 on success