libmipflooding, a Mip Flooding C++ library

C++ implementation of the Mip Flooding algorithm, presented by Sean Feeley at GDC 2019 in the talk Interactive Wind and Vegetation in “God of War”. YouTube

Mip Flooding is a high performance alternative to edge padding / dilation and is not biased towards the edge color. It also improves the compressibility of output images, by only retaining a level of detail that is relevant for mip map generation.

  • 8/16/32 bit input images and coverage masks, and (theoretically) up to 8 image channels

  • selective channel processing, e.g. you might want to preserve the original alpha channel

  • coverage input either as separate texture, or the alpha channel (or any last channel for that matter)

  • can optionally scale the last channel unweighted (regular box filtering)

  • can generate weighted mip maps, and optionally re-normalize vectors (for normal maps). Slerp scaling is planned but not yet implemented.

  • includes C-style function exports for easier interfacing using non-C++ code (e.g. Python)

Source code and releases are on GitHub